Photovoltaic System for Power Generation and Function of Each Block

Photovoltaic System for power generation and Function of Each Block

Q. Draw the basic photovoltaic system for power generation and state the function of each block.

Basic Block Diagram of Photovoltaic System
The basic solar electric system consists of five parts namely solar module, rechargeable batteries, control unit, distribution of electricity and electrical load.

Solar module is used to generate electricity from sunlight. When electricity is generated, the control unit will take part. Its function is to switch the loads manually or automatically, protect the batteries and wiring, monitor the performance of the system and give warnings when fault happens in the system. The rechargeable batteries are connected directly to the solar module.

The rechargeable batteries are used to store electricity for later use at night and during cloudy periods. The distribution of electricity is direct current (DC) 12-24 V. It is much less dangerous than mains voltages, which is 100-240 V. Finally the generated electricity can be connected to the electrical load.

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